/* exarray.h.

    A template of dynamic arrays with automatic check of an index.
    (minimal edition).

    (C) R.N.Shakirov, IMach of RAS (UB), 1998 - 2000
    All Rights Reserved.
template <class T> class exarray
  T*        e;  // Base array
  unsigned  len;    // Num of elements

//  Memory allocation methods (see below).

  void realloc (unsigned size); 
  void grow    (unsigned i); 

//  Private copy constructor & copy assignment:
//  assignment of dynamic arrays is locked.

  exarray                (const exarray<T>&);
  exarray<T>& operator = (const exarray<T>&);


//  Constructor of dynamic array.

  exarray ()    { e = 0; len = 0;   }

//  Destructor of dynamic array.

  ~exarray()    { realloc (0);      }

//  Access to array with check of bounds.
//  If index is out of range, the array grows,
//  extra memory is filled with zeros and
//  constructors of extra elements is called.

  T&    operator [] (unsigned i)
   { if (len<=i) grow(i); return e[i];  }

  T&    operator [] (int i)
   { return (operator [] ((unsigned)i));}

  T&    operator *  ()
   { if (len<=0) grow(0); return e[0];  }

//  Access to array without check of bounds.

  T&    item (unsigned i) { return e[i];}
  T*    base ()       { return e;   }

//  Auto conversion to const T*.

  operator const T* ()    { return e;   }

//  Declarations of memory allocation
//  functions from exarray.cpp.

void    exmrealloc (void **p, unsigned size, unsigned oldsize);
unsigned excalcsize (unsigned size);

//  Function exmuladd computes n*s+k
//  within int range 0..~0u>>1.
//  In the case of overflow returns ~0u.

inline unsigned exmuladd (unsigned s, unsigned n, unsigned k)
{ return ((n<=((~0u>>1)-k)/s)? n*s+k: ~0u);}

//  Stub class for call of constructors and
//  destructors without memory allocation.

template <class T> struct __EXRELOC
  T value;              
  void* operator new (size_t, void* p)
                        { return p; }
  void  operator delete (void*) { ; }

//  Private method realloc sets
//  the dynamic array size (in bytes)
//  and call default constructors of
//  destructors of elements.

template <class T> void exarray<T>::realloc (unsigned size)
  unsigned n = size/sizeof (T);

  while (len > n)    // Destructors
  { len--; delete (__EXRELOC<T> *)(e + len);}

  exmrealloc        // Memory allocation
    ((void **)&e, size, sizeof(T)*len);

  while (len < n)    // Default constructors
  { new (e + len)__EXRELOC<T>; len++; }

//  Private method grow allocates memory for
//  elements with indexes up to i (at least).
//  For efficiency extra allocation is provided.

template <class T> void exarray<T>::grow (unsigned i)
  realloc (excalcsize (
    exmuladd (sizeof(T), i, sizeof(T))));