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Публикации 2002 и ранее

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  1. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pestov A.V. Konovalov D.A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. A New Method for Adhesion Strength Assessment of Indented Polymer Coatings // Physical Mesomechanics. 2023. V. 26. No. 5. P. 514-522. [10.1134/S1029959923050041].

  2. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pestov A. Osipova V. Effect of the stress state on the adhesive strength of an epoxy-bonded assembly // Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. 2022. Vol. 59. P. 311-325. [10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.21].

  3. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Vichuzhanin D.I. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pestov A. Osipova V. The Effect of the Stress State, Testing Temperature, and Hardener Composition on the Strength of an AlMg5/Epoxy Metal-Polymer Joint // Materials. 2022. Vol.15. 7326. [10.3390/ma15207326].

  4. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Numeral Simulation of Damage and Fracture in Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Deformation // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2022. Vol. 40. P. 378-384. [10.1016/j.prostr.2022.04.051].

  5. Osipova V.A. Gorbunova T.I. Barabanov M.A. Mekhaev A.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Smirnov S.V. Pestov A.V. New Epoxy Resin Polymerization Catalysts Based on N,N-Dimethylaminoalkylamides of Perfl uoroalkanoic Acids // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2022. Vol. 95. No. 1. P. 53-58. [10.1134/S1070427222010074].

  6. Kruchkov D.I. Smirnov S.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Influence of All-Round Forging under Short-Term Creep Conditions on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Al7075/10SiCp Composite with an Aluminum Matrix // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2021. Vol. 122. No. 10. P. 981-990. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X21100069.
    WoS  Scopus 

  7. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Kruchkov D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Smirnov S.V. Shveikin V.P. Studying the Short-Term High-Temperature Creep in the Al–6Zn–2.5Mg–2Cu/10SiCp Aluminum Matrix Composite // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2021. Vol. 122. No. 8. P. 782-788. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X21080111.
    WoS  Scopus 

  8. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pestov Aleksander Adhesive Strength of an Epoxy-Based Adhesive Joint Under a Complex Stress State // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2021. Vol. 33. P. 259-264. DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2021.10.032.
    WoS  Scopus 

  9. Filippov  A.A. Fomin  V.M. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnov S.V. Investigation of elastic modulus of heterogeneous materials based on epoxy resin filled with silicon dioxide nanoparticles by nanoindentation // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2310. 020094. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0034462.

  10. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Michurov N.S. Igumnov A.S. Numerical Simulation of the Stress-Strain State in a Polymer Coating Surface Layer Under Creep During Indentation // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2315. 020041. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0036684.

  11. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Konovalov D.A. Effect of nanosized oxide fillers on the adhesive strength of epoxy lacquer under scratching // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 709. 044007. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/709/4/044007.

  12. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pestov  A.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Effect of modifying dopes on the mechanical properties of epoxy coatings affected by thermocycling // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2020. Vol. 25. P. 209-213. DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.04.025.

  13. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Vichuzhanin D.I. Pestov  A.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. The effect of Stress State on the Adhesive Strength of a Glued Sandwich in Shear-Compression Testing // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2020. Vol. 28. P. 234-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.10.029.

  14. Pestov  A.V. Osipova V.A. Koryakova O.V. Gorbunova T.I. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Preparation of a New Material Based on Epoxy Oligomers for Forming Corrosion-Protective Coatings // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 93. P. 400-405. DOI: 10.1134/S107042722003012X.

  15. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Konovalov D.A. Smirnov S.V. Zadvorkin S.M. Putilova E. A. Kamantsev I.S. Effect of Steplike Plastic Deformation on the Mechanical Properties and the Fracture of the Bimetal Produced by Exposition Welding / Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2019. Vol. 2019. No. 5. P. 556–564. DOI: 10.1134/S0036029519050124.
    WoS  Scopus 

  16. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Fomin V.M. Filippov A.A. Brusentseva T.A. Studying the Viscoelastic Properties of an Epoxy Resin Strengthened with Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles by Instrumented Microindentation // Mechanics of Composite Materials. 2019. Vol. 55. No. 3. P. 337-348. DOI: 10.1007/s11029-019-09816-x.
    WoS  Scopus 

  17. Kaigorodova L.I. Rasposienko D.Y. Pushin V.G. Pilyugin V.P. Smirnov S.V. Effect of Annealing on the Structure and Properties of the Aging Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr-Sc-Zn Alloy Subjected to Megaplastic Strain // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019. Vol. 120. No. 2. P. 157–163. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X19020066.
    WoS  Scopus 

  18. Farber V.M. Polukhina O.N. Vichuzhanin D.I. Khotinov V.A. Smirnov S.V. A Study of Plastic Deformation of 08G2B Steel before and at the Yield Plateau by Digital Image Correlation Technique. Part 1. Formation of Plastic and Elastic Deformation Waves // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2019. Vol. 61. Nos. 5-6. P. 274-279. DOI: 10.1007/s11041-019-00416-z.
    WoS  Scopus 

  19. Farber V.M. Polukhina O.N. Vichuzhanin D.I. Khotinov V.A. Smirnov S.V. A Study of Plastic Strain before and on the Yield Plateau of Steel 08G2B by Correlation of Digital Images. Part II. Functioning of Flow Channels and Zones in Them // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2019. Vol. 61. Nos. 7-8. P. 405-410. DOI 10.1007/s11041-019-00437-8.
    WoS  Scopus 

  20. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Pestov A.V. Studying the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Adhesive Coatings by Instrumented Indentation // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2176. – 020008. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5135120.

  21. Smirnov S.V. Zamaraev L.M. Comparative Study of Shot Creep of Single-Phase Titanium Alloys in Air and Neutral Gas Environment on the Test Temperature in Range from 673 to 1323 K // Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 2019. Iss. 49. P. 201-211. DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.49.21.

  22. Vichuzhanin D.I. Smirnov S.V. Nesterenko A.V. Igumnov A.S. A fracture Locus for a 10 Volume-Percent V95/SiC Metal Matrix Composite at the Near-Solidus Temperature // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 88-93. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-1-88-93.
    WoS  Scopus 

  23. Kaigorodova L.I. Rasposienko D.Yu. Pushin V.G. Pilyugin V.P. Smirnov S.V. Influence of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Structure and Properties of Al-Li-Mg-Zr-Sc-Zn Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. Vol. 119. – No. 2. – P. 161-168. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18020060.
    WoS  Scopus 

  24. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. Igumnov A.S. A Numerical Study of Plastic Strain Localization and Fracture in Al/SiC Metal Matrix Composite // Physical Mesomechanics. 2018. Vol. 21. – Iss. 4. – P. 305-313. – DOI: 10.1134/S1029959918040045.
    WoS  Scopus 

  25. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Kopeina A.V. A Fracture Locus for an Aluminum-Based Metal Matrix Composite at 450°С // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 020014. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084360.

  26. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnov S.V. Pestov A.V. Konovalov D.A. Adhesive Characteristics of Epoxy Glue in Relation to the Microgeometry of the Substrate Surface // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030066. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084427.

  27. Smirnov S.V. Kruchkov D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Berezin I.M. Vichuzhanin D.I. Experimental study of short-term transient creep of the Al/SiC metal-matrix composite under uniaxial compression // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2018. No. 4. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2018.4.09.

  28. Smirnov S.V. Khotinov V.A. Vichuzhanin D.I. Polukhina O.N. Farber V.M. The Digital Image Correlation Method Applied to Studyingthe Plastic Flowof the 08g2bmsteel under Tension [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2018. Iss.3. P. 6-13. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.3.006-013.

  29. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Kalashnikov S.T. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Studying the Adhesion Strength and Mechanical Properties of Coatings on Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy Samples [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2018. Iss. 5. P. 106-115. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.5.106-115.

  30. Guryanov G.N. Smirnov S.V. Problemy chernoi metallurgii i materialovedeniya Influence of the contact friction on the stressed state and allowable stress of backward pullin the course // Problemy chernoi metallurgii i materialovedeniya. 2018. No. 1. P. 5-14.

  31. Guryanov G.N. Smirnov S.V. Drawing conditions of round solid profile without axial stress increment because of back tension action // Technologiya metallov. 2018. No. 9. P. 3-12. DOI: 10.31044/1684-2499-2018-9-3-12.

  32. Guryanov G.N. Smirnov S.V. Influence of curve shape of strain hardening on drawing stress and safety factor of round solid profile // Technologiya metallov. 2018. No. 2. P. 13-24.

  33. Guryanov G.N. Smirnov S.V. On development of energy-saving conditions of solid round profile drawing // Technologiya metallov. 2018. No. 7. P. 9-20. DOI: 10.31044/1684-2499-2018-7-9-20.

  34. Guryanov G.N. Smirnov S.V. Influence of the intensitivity of simple strength and size of the work confusion of fiber on axial voltage, stability of strength and growth of medium temperature in the drawing line of wire // Uprochnyayushchie tekhnologii i pokrytiya. 2018. Vol. 14. No. 3 (159). P. 99-106.

  35. Zamaraev L.M. Smirnov S.V. High-Temperature Short-Term Creep of the 2 and Ti-5Al Titanium Alloys under Heating in Air and Helium // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 040069.
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  36. A.P. Karamyshev I.I. Nekrasov Nesterenko A.V. Parshin S.V. Smirnov S.V. Shveikin V.P. A.A. Fedulov Studying Damage Accumulation in Martensitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel under Cold Radial Reduction // AIP Conf. Proc. – 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030007.
    Full text>>

  37. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. A.S. Igumnov Modeling the Stress-Strain State of the V95/SiC Aluminum Alloy Matrix Composite under Uniaxial Loading // AIP Conf. Proc. – 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030026.
    Full text>>

  38. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. A.S. Igumnov A Computational Model of V95/SiCp (7075/ SiCp) Aluminum Matrix Composite Applied to Stress-Strain State Simulation under Tensile, Compressive and Shear Loading Conditions [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.6.016-027 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 6. P. 16-27.

  39. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. A.V. Pestov Estimating the Effect of Fillers on the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Glue Coatings by Microindentation [Electronic resource] – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.6.103-111 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 6. P. 103-111.

  40. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. V.М. Fomin A.А. Filippov Т.А. Brusentseva Studying Epoxy Resin Reinforced with Silica Dioxide Nanoparticles by Microindentation [Electronic resource] // . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.1.024-035 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 1. P. 24-35.

  41. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Smirnov A.S. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Konovalov A.V. A fracture locus for a 50 volume-percent Al/SiC metal matrix composite at high temperature // International Journal of Material Forming. 2017. Vol. 10. – Iss. 5. P. 831–843.
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  42. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. Hierarchical modeling of deformation and damage of metal matrix composite under uniaxial loading conditions . – doi:10.1088/1757-899X/208/1/012037 // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. Vol. 208. – 012037.
    Full text>>

  43. E.V. Shalaeva N.I. Medvedeva A.E. Precul Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Smirnov S.V. N.I. Shchegolikhina I.O. Selyanin Ordering Effect on the Mechanical, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the –Based Non-Canonical Approximant Phase: -Al50Cu33Fe17’-Al50Cu44Fe6 and -Al47.5Cu49.5Fe3 // Philosophical Magazine. 2017. Vol. 97. – No. 13. P. 1024-1046.

  44. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical of plastic deformation and fracture of complexly aiioyed brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. vol. 25, № 2. P. 251 – 265.

  45. Smirnov S.V. Zamaraev L.M. Energy of Activation of the Vt5 and Vt1-0 Titanium Alloys under Short-Term Creep in Air and Argon [Electronic resource]. 2016. Iss. 6.

  46. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Igumnov A.S. Determination of the Local Shear Strength of a Layered Metal Composite Material with a Ductile Interlayer after Thermocycling [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 46-56.

  47. Smirnov S.V. Perunov E.N. Konovalov D.A. Vyskrebentsev S.V. Using a Spatial Location Device for Express Diagnostics of Current Mechanical Properties of Metal Structures [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 89-94.

  48. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Vichuzhanin D.I. Michurov N.S. Smirnov S.V. Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of the "copper M1 – Steel 09g2s" Bimetal Produced by Explosion Welding [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6. P. 28-38.

  49. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical Simulation of Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Complexly Alloyed Brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 25(2). P. 251-265.

  50. Yolshina L.A. Muradymov R.V. Korsun I.V. Yakovlev G.A. Smirnov S.V. Novel Aluminum-Graphene and Aluminum-Graphite Metallic Composite Materials: Synthesis and Properties // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. No. 663. P. 449-459.

  51. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Parshin S.V. Vyskrebentsev S.V. Degtyar’ V.G. Kalashnikov S.T. Taking into account the residual stresses during transverse calculation of the load frame to extend the service life above the warranty period // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016. Vol. 45. – Is. 3. P. 233-238.

  52. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Kalashnikov S.T. Ivanov A.V. Smirnov S.V. Frolova N.Yu. Studying Recovery Processes in a Strain-Hardened Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Si Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 9. P. 920-926.

  53. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. A numerical Study of Sress-Strain Evolution in Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Uniaxial Loading // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2016. No. 3. P. 175-187.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4967126 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016. Vol. 1785. 040069.

  55. Karamyshev A.P. Nekrasov I.I. Nesterenko A.V. V.S. Parshin Smirnov S.V. Fedulov A.A. Shveikin V.P. Studying the Damage of Ingots under Plastic Deformation on a Lever-Type Radial Forging Machine // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 030010. –http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967031.

  56. Shveikin V.P. Smirnov S.V. Nesterenko A.V. Thermomechanical Hardening of Rolled Stock in a Pipe-Rolling Mill Line // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040063. –http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967120.

  57. Smirnov S.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Studying the Zones of a Welded Joint of an Al-Mg-Li-Zr Aluminum Alloy By Kinetic Indentation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040064. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967121.

  58. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Igumnov A.S. A Fracture Locus for Commercially Pure Aluminum at 300 °С // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040067. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967124.

  59. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Konovalov D.A. Smirnov S.V. Patterns of the Change in the Mechanical Properties of a Bimetallic Welded Joint under Plastic Deformation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040089. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967146.

  60. Yolshina L.A. Muradymov R.V. Vovkotrub E.G. Smirnov S.V. Diamond Synthesis in Aluminum Matrix in Molten Alkali-Halide at Ambient Pressure // Diamond and Related Materials. 2015. Vol. 55. P. 1-11.

  61. Pestov A.V. Kuznetsov V.A. Mekhaev A.V. Gorbunova T.I. Saloutin V.I. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Matafonov P.P. Designing New Adhesive Materials Based on Epoxy Oligomers Filled with Organic Compounds // Polymer Science. Series D. Glues and Sealing Materials. 2015. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 149-152.

  62. Brusentseva Т.А. Filippov A.А. Fomin V.М. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. MODIFICATION OF EPOXY RESIN WITH SILICA NANOPARTICLES AND PROCESS ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITES BASED ON THEM. DOI: 10.1007/s11029-015-9523-6 // Mechanics of Composite Materials. 2015. Т. 51. № 4. P. 531-538.

  63. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Smirnov S.V. Kalashnikov S.T. Chekushkin V.S. Antenorova N.P. Pankratov A.A. Studying the Changes in the Structure and Properties of a Magnesium Alloy after Operation and Long Annealing at Temperatures of 50 and 70 °С [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 4. P. 27-39. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-4/2015-4_38.html.

  64. Smirnov S.V. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Comparative Evaluation of Metal Damage on the Free Lateral Surface of Single-Layer and Three-Layer Strips under Rolling [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 4. P. 6-15. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-4/2015-4_39.html.

  65. Vichuzhanin D.I. Khotinov V.A. Smirnov S.V. Stress state influence on plasticity limit of grade Х80 steel // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2015. Is. 1. P. 73-89.

  66. Smirnov S.V. The Healing of Damage after the Plastic Deformation of Metals // Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. Special Issue: Russian Fracture Mechanics School. 2013. – 24. P. 7-12. – DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.24.02.

  67. Dunyushkina L.A. Smirnov S.V. Plaksin S.V. Kuimov V.M. Gorelov V.P. The Across-Plane Conductivity and Microstructure of SrZr0.95Y0.05O3-d Thin Films // Ionics. 2013. Vol. 19. – №12. – DOI 10.1007/s11581-013-0910-5. P. 1715-1722.

  68. Smirnov S.V. Accumulation and healing of damage during plastic metal forming: simulation and experiment // Key Engineering Materials. 2013. V. 528. P. 61-69.

  69. Ivanov M. Smirnov S.V. Pavlyishko S.V. Ivanov D. Brenner D. Shenderova O. Tribological Properties of Motor Oil with Nanodiamond Additive Tested for Steel Friction Surfaces with Different Hardnesses // MRS Online Proceedings Library. 2013. Vol. 6038. P. 1-6.

  70. Shalaeva E.V. Chernyshev Yu.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Smirnov S.V. Lamellar Structure and Nanomechanical Properties of Quasircristalline Al-Cu-Fe Alloys // Physics of the Solid State. 2013. Vol. 55. - №11. P. 2095-2104.

  71. Dunyushkina L.A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Smirnov S.V. Kuimov V.M. Plaksin S.V. Microstructure, hardness, and electric behavior of Y-doped CaZrO3 films prepared by chemical solution deposition // Ionics. 2012. DOI 10.1007/s11581-012-0769-x.

  72. Makarov A.V. Taratorkin A.I. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Korshunov L.G. Malyigina I.Yu. Effect of hardening friction treatment with hard-alloy indenter on microstructure, mechanical properties, and deformation and fracture features of constructional steel under static and cyclic tension // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2010. V. 205 Is. 3. P. 841-852.

  73. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnov S.V. Simulation of accumulative roll-bonding process // Proceedings of the XXXVI Summer School «Advanced Problem in Mechanics». St. Peterburg: APM, 2008. P. 288 – 290.

  74. Gorkunov E.S. Mitropolskaya S.Yu. Smirnov S.V. Zadvorkin S.M. Correlation between the Stress–Strain State Parameters and Magnetic Characteristics of Carbon Steels // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2007. Vol. 103, No. 3. P. 311–316.

  75. Gorkunov E.S. Makarov A.V. Rogovaya S.A. Savrai R.A. Smirnov S.V. Zadvorkin S.M. The Use of Magnetic Methods for the Estimation of Plastic Deformation under Cyclic Loading of Annealed Medium-Carbon Steel // In: Abstr. of the 9th European Conference for Non-Destructive Testing, Part 2, Germany, Berlin, September 25-29. 2006. 86 p.

  76. Gorkunov E.S. Makarov A.V. Rogovaya S.A. Taratorkin A.I. Smirnov S.V. Zadvorkin S.M. The Use of Magnetic Methods for the Estimation of Plastic Deformation under Cyclic Loading of Annealed Medium-Carbon Steel // In: DGZfP Proc. BB 103-CD ISBN 3-931381-86-2 of the 9th European Conference for Non-Destructive Testing, Part 2, Germany, Berlin, September 25-29. 2006. 86 p.

  77. Gorkunov E.S. Tsar'kova T. P. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Emelyanov I.G. Kuznetsov V. Yu. Effect of Deviation from Coaxiality between the Directions of Magnetization and Mechanical Strain on the Results of Magnetic Testing of Elastic Strain in Steels // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing.- May. 2004. Volume 40, Issue 5. P. 317-325.

  78. Smirnov S.V. Domilovskaya T. Definition of the kinetic equation form for damage under the plastic deformation // Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. 2003. 26. P. 373-379.

  79. Lapovok R. Smirnov S.V. Shveykin V. Damage mechanics for the fracture prediction of metal forming tools // International Journal of Fracture. 2000. v.103. P. 111-126.

  80. Lapovok R. Smirnov S.V. Shveykin V. Damage mechanics for the fracture prediction of metal forming tools // International Journal of Fracture. 2000. v.103. P. 111-126.

  81. Lapovok R. Smirnov S.V. Solomein V. Modeling the helical rolling of rods in a three-high mill // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1998. v. 80-81. P. 337-340.

  82. Lapovok R. Smirnov S.V. Solomein V. Modeling the helical rolling of rods in a three-high mill // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1998. v. 80-81. P. 337-340.

  83. Kolmogorov V.L. Smirnov S.V. The restoration of the margin of metal plasticity after cold deformation // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1998. v. 74. P. 83-88.

  84. Kolmogorov V.L. Smirnov S.V. Healing of metal microdefects after cold deformation // In: Advanced Methods in Ma-terials Processing Defects edited by M. Redeleanu and P. Gilormini. Elsevier Science B.V. 1997. P. 61-69.

  85. Smirnov S.V. Domilovskaya T.V. Bogatov A.A. Definition of the form for kinetic equation of damage during the plastic deformation // In: Advanced Methods in Materials Processing Defects edited by M. Redeleanu and P. Gilormini. Elsevier Science B.V. 1997. P. 71-80.

  86. Smirnov S.V. Bogatov A.A. Shveikin V.P. Nesterenko A.V. An installation for material plasticity investigation under complex stress-strain state condition // In.: Proc. of Int. Conf. MECAMAT-92. Paris, 1992. P. 716-727.

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