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A library EXBASE for applied programming on C/C++

A library EXBASE is intended for development of the high-efficient 16- and 32-bit applied programs for platforms DOS and Windows on languages C and C++. The library provides for the following functions: input-output of files with processing of errors, string operations with protection of memory, multi-dimensional dynamic arrays with automatic check of an index, distribution of memory with control of index range overflow, grammatical analysis and synthesis of texts with tabular and list structure.
Supported environments: Borland C++ 3.1 (16-bit mode), Borland C++ 4.5 (32-bit mode), Visual C++ 6.0.
What's new? (rus)
Download: Source code and library (rus comments, dos coding)   The preceding versions of  Mar 21, 2003  May 23, 2000 
The documentation is under development; some items of information can be received from this paper (rus). Other publications will be placed in process of their preparation.
A number of functions of library EXBASE is realized in independent components:
A C++ class for integers with unlimited range
A C++ template of dynamic arrays with automatic check of an index