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  1. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Substantiating the process parameters of frictional treatment with a sliding indenter for an austenitic chromium‑nickel steel // Tribology Letters. 2024. V. 72. Is. 1. Art. 9. P. 1-16. [10.1007/s11249-023-01816-2].

  2. Savrai R.A. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Men’shakov A.I. Gaviko V.S. The influence of frictional treatment and low-temperature plasma carburizing on the structure and phase composition of metastable austenitic steel // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2023. V. 124. No. 5. P. 496-503. [10.1134/S0031918X23600483].

  3. Savrai R.A. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Kogan L.Kh. Men’shakov A.I. The influence of frictional treatment and low-temperature plasma carburizing on the microhardness and electromagnetic properties of metastable austenitic steel // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2023. V. 124. No. 8. P. 816-823. [10.1134/S0031918X23601166].

  4. Kharanzhevskiy E.V. Ipatov A.G. Makarov A.V. Gil’mutdinov F.Z. Towards eliminating friction and wear in plain bearings operating without lubrication // Scientific Reports. 2023. V. 13. Art. 17362. P. 1-13. [10.1038/s41598-023-44702-6].

  5. Korobov Y. Alwan H. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Lezhnin N. Shumyakov V. Antonov M. Deviatiarov M. Cavitation Resistance of WC-10Co4Cr and WC-20CrC-7Ni HVAF Coatings // Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2022. Vol. 31. P. 234-246. [10.1007/s11666-021-01242-7].

  6. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Orishich A.M. Volkova E.G. Makarov A.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Malikov A.G. Role of Ultra-Fine Intermetallic Particles and Martensite in Strengthening of AISI 321/Cu/Ti Laser Welded Joint // Materials Characterization. 2022. Vol. 185. P.111702. [10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111702].

  7. Kharanzhevskiy E.V. Ipatov A.G. Makarov A.V. Gil'mutdinov F.Z. Soboleva N.N. Krivilyov M.D. Effect of oxygen in surface layers formed during sliding wear of Ni–ZrO2 coatings // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2022. Vol. 434. Art. 128174. [10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128174].

  8. Soboleva N.N. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Makarov A.V. The Effect of the multiplicity of frictional action on the micromechanical properties of NiCrBSi-coatings // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2022. Iss. 5. P. 50-59. [10.17804/2410-9908.2022.5.050-059].

  9. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Kuznetsov V.P. Vladimirov A.B. Skorynina P.A. Sirosh V.A Adhesion strength of Ti1-xCx – DLC multilayer nanocomposite thin films coated by ion-plasma deposition on martensitic stainless steel produced by selective laser melting followed by plasma-nitriding and burnishing // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. V. 2064. – 012082. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2064/1/012082.
    WoS  Scopus 

  10. Makarov A.V. Kuznetsov V.P. Skorynina P.A. Sirosh V.A. Vladimirov A.B. Lezhnin N.V. Kolmakov S.V. Plasma nitriding in complex post-processing of stainless steel parts obtained by additive laser technology // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. V. 2064. 012075. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2064/1/012075.
    WoS  Scopus 

  11. Kharanzhevskiy E.V. Ipatov A.G. Makarov A.V. Gil’mutdinov F.Z. Soboleva N.N. Krivilyov M.D. Tribological performance of boron-based superhard coatings sliding against different materials // Wear. 2021. Vol. 477. 203835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2021.203835.
    WoS  Scopus 

  12. Alwan H.L. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Korobov Yu.S. Shumyakov V.I. Lezhnin N.V. Zavalishin V.A. Using a Procedure for Estimating Cavitation Impact for Analyzing the Erosion Resistance of Cermet Thermal Sprayed Coatings // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 6. P. 778-784. DOI: 10.3103/S1067821221060031.
    WoS  Scopus 

  13. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Effect of Conditions of High-Temperature Treatment on the Structure and Tribological Properties of Nickel-Based Laser-Clad Coating // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 6. P. 682-691. DOI: 10.3103/S1067821221060183.
    WoS  Scopus 

  14. Korobov Yu.S. Alwan H.L. Filippov M.A. Soboleva N.N. Alani I.A. Estemirova S.Kh. Makarov A.V. Sirosh V.A. The effect of martensitic transformation on the cavitation erosion resistance of a TIG-deposited Fe-Cr-C-Al-Ti layer // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2021. Vol. 421. 127391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127391.
    WoS  Scopus 

  15. Alwan H.L. Korobov Yu.S. Elkind D.M. Sirosh V.A. Makarov A.V. Comparative analysis of cavitation resistance of deposited/sprayed layers of carbides, stainless steels and metastable austenite // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2021. Vol. 1079. 052073. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1079/5/052073.

  16. Starikova U.S. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Kharanzhevsky E.V. The influence of boron carbide additive on the structure and hardness of a nickel-based coating // Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2021. No. 4. P. 89–97. DOI: 10.18323/2782-4039-2021-4-89-97.

  17. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Berezovskaya V.V. Merkushkin E.A. Chekan N.M. Effect of nanostructuring frictional treatment on micromechanical and corrosion properties of stable austenitic chromium-nickel steel // Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2021. No. 4. P. 80–88. DOI: 10.18323/2782-4039-2021-4-80-88.

  18. Savrai R.A. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Effect of liquid carburizing at lowered temperature on the micromechanical characteristics of metastable austenitic steel / Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2020. Vol. 121. No. 10. P. 1015-1020. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X20100105.

  19. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Effect of the Laser Welding Conditions on the Chemical Composition of the AISI 321/Cu/Ti Material // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2315. 030015. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0036864.

  20. Makarov A.V. Kuznetsov V.P. Sirosh V.A. Volkova   E.G. Skorynina P.A. Merkushev A.G. Structural and micromechanical properties of 316L stainless steel produced by selective laser melting // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 1008. 012005. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1008/1/012005.

  21. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Structural and phase transformations in austenitic chromium-nickel steels during nanostructuring frictional treatment // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 1008. 012055. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1008/1/012055.

  22. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Nikolaeva E.P. Skorynina P.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Effect of frictional treatment with a dense cubic boron nitride indenter on the micromechanical properties of the NiCrBSi–Cr3C2 // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 966. 012050. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/966/1/012050.

  23. Savrai R.A. Kogan L.K. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Features of eddy-current testing of the fatigue degradation of laser clad cobalt-nickel-chromium coating under contact loading // Letters on Materials. 2020. V. 10. Is. 3. P. 315-321. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2020-3-315-321.

  24. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Zavarzina  E.P. Skorynina P.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Features of frictional treatment of the composite NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 laser clad coating // Letters on Materials. 2020. Vol. 10. No. (4). P. 506-511. https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2020-4-506-511.

  25. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Effect of friction treatment on the structure, micromechanical and tribological properties of austenitic steel 03Kh16N14M3T // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2020. V. 61. Nos. 11-12. P. 764-768. DOI: 10.1007/s11041-020-00497-1.

  26. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Stepchenkov A.K. Malyigina I.Yu. Korobov Yu.S. Influence of thermal effects on the micromechanical properties of the nickel-chromium coating obtained by gas powder laser cladding // OBRABOTKA METALLOV-METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 104–117. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2020-22.2-104-117. (In Russian).

  27. Savrai R.A. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Structure and surface properties of metastable austenitic steel subjected to liquid carburizing at a reduced temperature // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2020. Vol. 121. No. 1. P. 65-71. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X20010135.

  28. Alwan H.L. Korobov  Y.S. Soboleva N.N. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Deviatiarov M.S. Study of Cavitation Erosion-Corrosion Resistance of Thermally Sprayed Ni-Based Coatings Prepared by HVAF Process // Solid State Phenomena. 2020. Vol. 299. P. 893–901. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.299.893.

  29. Alwan H.L. Korobov Y.S. Soboleva N.N. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Nikolaeva E.P. Deviatiarov  M.S. Cavitation Erosion-Corrosion Resistance of Deposited Austenitic Stainless Steel/E308L-17 Electrode // Solid State Phenomena. 2020. Vol. 299. P. 908–913. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.299.908.

  30. Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Development of methods for steel surface deformation nanostructuring // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2020. Vol. 62. Nos. 1-2. P. 61-69. DOI: 10.1007/s11041-020-00513-4.

  31. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Effect of friction treatment on the structure, micromechanical and tribological properties of austenitic steel 03Kh16N14M3T // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. – 2020. – V. 61. – Nos. 11-12. – P. 764-768. – DOI: 10.1007/s11041-020-00497-1 // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2020. V. 61. No. 11-12. P. 764-768. DOI: 10.1007/s11041-020-00497-1.

  32. Kharanzhevskiy E.V. Ipatov A.G. Krivilyov M.D. Makarov A.V. Gil'mutdinov F.Z. Volkova E.G. Ultralow friction behaviour of B4C-BN-MeO composite ceramic coatings deposited on steel // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2020. V. 390. Art. 125664. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125664.

  33. Zhidkov I.S. Kukharenko A.I. Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Gavrilov N.V. Cholakh S.O. Kurmaev E.Z. XPS characterization of surface layers of stainless steel nitrided in electron beam plasma at low temperature // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2020. V. 386. Art. 125492. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125492.

  34. Kharanzhevskiy E. Ipatov A. Krivilyov M. Makarov A.V. Model experiment on reactive phase formation and solidi cation of B4C-BN composites via nanosecond pulse laser processing // European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 2020. Vol. 229. P. 217-224. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2019-900076-1.

  35. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Luchko S.N. The effect of ultrasonic impact-frictional treatment on the surface roughness and hardening of 09Mn2Si constructional steel // Letters on Materials. 2019. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 310-315. https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2019-3-310-315.
    WoS  Scopus 

  36. Makarov A.V. Korobov Yu.S. Soboleva N.N. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Vopneruk A.A. Balu P. Barbosa M.M. Malyigina I.Yu. Burov S.V. Stepchenkov A.K. Wear-resistant nickel-based laser clad coatings for high-temperature applications // Letters on Materials. 2019. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 470-474. https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2019-4-470-474.
    WoS  Scopus 

  37. Makarov A.V. Korshunov L.G. Metallophysical Foundations of Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment of Steels // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019. Vol. 120. No. 3. P. 303–311. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18120128.
    WoS  Scopus 

  38. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Goruleva L.S. Makarov A.V. Volkova E.G. Microstructure of a Laser-Welded Joint between a Chromium – Nickel Steel and a Titanium Alloy with a Copper Insert // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019. Vol. 120. No. 8. P. 775-781. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X1908012X.
    WoS  Scopus 

  39. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Effect of frictional treatment on structure, micromechanical and tribological properties of 03Cr16Ni14Mo3Ti austenitic steel // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2019. No. 11-12.
    WoS  Scopus 

  40. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Nikolaeva E.P. Malyigina I.Yu. The Effect of Load during Frictional Treatment with a DBN Indenter on the Surface Finish of the NiCrBSi–Cr3C2 Laser Clad Coating // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2167. 020345. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5132212.

  41. Putilova E. A. Zadvorkin S.M. Gorkunov E.S. Makarov A.V. Investigation of Structure and Properties of High-strength Bimetallic Materials Produced иy Explosion Welding and Have Been Exploited in Arctic Climate // In XIX International Scientific-Technical Conference “The Ural School-Seminar of Metal Scientists-Young Researchers”. KnE Engineering. 2019. P. 231-238. DOI 10.18502/keg.v1i1.4414.

  42. Alwan H.L. Korobov Yu.S. Soboleva N.N. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Deviatiarov M.S. Elkind D.M. Behavior of a welded-deposited stainless steel tested at different cavitation test conditions // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. Vol. 681. 012002. – DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/681/1/012002.

  43. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Improving the properties of a rapidly crystallized NiCrBSi laser clad coating by high-temperature processing // Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019. Vol. 525. Art. 125200. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.12520.

  44. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Makarov A.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Volkova E.G. Crystallization of Dissimilar Ti/Cu/ Steel Laser Welds // Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019. Vol. 526. Art. 125212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125212.

  45. Savrai R.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Rogovaya S.A. Kolobyilin Yu.M. Effect of laser alloying with the powder mixtures of Cu–Zn–Ti and Si–Cu on the structure and properties of cast aluminum alloy // Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science. 2019. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 70–84. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2019-21.4-70-84.

  46. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Men’shakov A.I. Osinceva A.L. Effect of low-temperature carburization in electron beam plasma on the hardening and surface roughness of the metastable austenitic steel // Obrabotka Metallov-Metal Working and Material Science. 2019. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 97–109. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2019-21.2-97-109.

  47. Korobov Yury Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Holger Hilli Vopneruk Alexander Kotelnikov Aleksandr Burov S.V. Balu  Prabu Makarov A.V. Chernov Alexey The Effect of Thickness on the Properties of Laser-Deposited NiBSi-WC Coating on a Cu-Cr-Zr Substrate // Photonics. 2019. Vol. 6. 127. – DOI: 10.3390/photonics6040127.

  48. Korobov Yury Michael Filippov Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Soboleva N.N. Davide Fantozzi Milanti Andrea Heli Koivuluoto and Petri Vuoristo. Arc-Sprayed Fe-Based Coatings from CoredWires for Wear and Corrosion Protection in Power Engineering. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 71. DOI: 10.3390/coatings8020071.
    WoS  Scopus 

  49. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Malyigina I.Yu. Estimating the Contact Endurance of the AISI 321 Stainless Steel Under Contact Gigacycle Fatigue Tests // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2018. Vol. 27. Is. 2. P. 601-611.
    WoS  Scopus 

  50. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Effect of nanostructuring frictional treatment on the properties of highcarbon pearlitic steel. Part II: mechanical properties // Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2018. 734. P. 513-518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.07.100.
    WoS  Scopus 

  51. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Volkova E.G. Effect of nanostructuring frictional treatment on the properties of highcarbon pearlitic steel. Part I: microstructure and surface properties // Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2018. 734. P. 506-512. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.07.099.
    WoS  Scopus 

  52. Shabashov V.A. Gavrilov N.V. Kozlov K.A. Makarov A.V. Titova S.G. Voronin V.I. Structure of the surface layers of metastable austenitic stainless steel nitrided in electron beam plasma // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – No. 8. – P. 755-763. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18080124.
    WoS  Scopus 

  53. Shabashov V.A. Makarov A.V. Kozlov K.A. Sagaradze V.V. Zamatovskii A.E. Volkova E.G. Luchko S.N. Deformation-Induced Dissolution and Precipitation of Nitrides in Austenite and Ferrite of a High-Nitrogen Stainless Steel // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – No. 2. – P. 196-206. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18020096.
    WoS  Scopus 

  54. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Effect of Heating on the Structure, Phase Composition and Micromechanical Properties of the Metastable Austenitic Steel Strengthened by Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – Is. 12. – P. 1196-1203.
    WoS  Scopus 

  55. Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Volkova  E.G. Osinceva A.L. Increasing the Micromechanical and Tribological Characteristics of an Austenitic Steel by Surface Deformation Processing. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030064. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084425.

  56. Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Gavrilov  N.V. Osinceva A.L. Savrai R.A. Improving the Scratch Test Properties of Plasma-Nitrided Stainless Austenitic Steel by Preliminary Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040050. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084488.

  57. Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Volkova E.G. Burov S.V. Nanostructuring and Surface Hardening of Structural Steels by Ultrasonic Impact-Frictional Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 020006. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084352.

  58. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Gibzun M.S. Malyigina I.Yu. Korobov Yu.S. Increasing the Resistance of a NiCrBSi Coating to Heat Wear by Means of Combined Laser Heat Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030037. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084398.

  59. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Trushina E.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. The Use of Intermediate Inserts for СО2 Laser Welding of Steel AISI 321 and a Grade 2 Titanium Alloy // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030055. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084416.

  60. Savrai R.A. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Effect of Frictional Treatment on the Microstructure and Surface Properties of Low-Carbon Steel // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040087. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084525.

  61. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Analytical and Experimental Assessment of Ultimate Tensile Strength of a Hardened Layer on a Material Surface // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030060. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084421.

  62. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Soboleva N.N. Kogan L.Kh. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. Eddy-Current Testing of Fatigue Degradation in Additionally Heat-Treated Gas Powder Laser Clad NiCrBSi Coating under Contact Fatigue Loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040088. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084526.

  63. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Trushina E.B. Studying the diffusion interaction between a copper plate and steel AISI 321 under laser treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020270. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083513.

  64. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. NiCrBSi coating obtained by laser cladding and subsequent deformation processing // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. Vol. 946. 013004.

  65. Savrai R.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Rogovaya S.A. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Effect of the Composition of Absorbing Coatings on the Structure and Properties of a Cast Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Surface Laser Heat Treatment [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2018. Iss. 5. P. 86-105. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.5.086-105.

  66. Yu.S. Korobov S.V. Nevezhin M.A. Filiрpov Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. D. Fantozzi A. Milanti H. Koivuluoto P. Vuoristo Properties of Arc-Sprayed Coatings from Fe-based Cored Wires for High-Temperature Applications // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 020004.
    Full text>>

  67. Makarov A.V. G.V. Samoylova N.V. Gavrilov A.S. Mamayev Osinceva A.L. T.E. Kurennykh Savrai R.A. Effect of Preliminary Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment on the Efficiency of Nitriding of Metastable Austenitic Steel in Electron Beam Plasma // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030011.
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  68. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Thermal Stability of a Laser-Clad NiCrBSi Coating Hardened by Frictional Finishing // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030012.
    Full text>>

  69. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Soboleva N.N. L.Kh. Kogan Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Eddy-Current Testing of the Fatigue Degradation of a Gas Powder Laser Clad NiCrBSi–Cr3C2 Composite Coating under Contact Fatigue Loading // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 040049.
    Full text>>

  70. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Rogovaya S.A. Osinceva A.L. Improving the Strength of the AISI 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel by the Frictional Treatment [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.5.043-062. // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 5. P. 43-62.

  71. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Role of the Strengthening Phases in Abrasive Wear Resistance of Laser-Clad NiCrBSi Coatings // Journal of Friction and Wear. 2017. Vol. 38. – No. 4. P. 272-278.

  72. Makarov A.V. N.V. Gavrilov G.V. Samoylova A.S. Mamaev Osinceva A.L. Savrai R.A. Effect of a Continuous and Gas-Cyclic Plasma Nitriding on the Quality of Nanostructured Austenitic Stainless Steel // Obrabotka Metallov – Metal Working and Material Science. 2017. Вып. 2. P. 55-66.

  73. Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Goruleva L.S. Makarov A.V. N.L. Pecherkina Structure and Mechanical Properties of a High-Carbon Steel Subjected to Severe Deformation // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 10. P. 1006-1014.

  74. Makarov A.V. Luchko S.N. Shabashov V.A. Volkova E.G. Zamatovskii A.E. Osinceva A.L. Litvinov A.V. Sagaradze V.V. Structural and phase transformations and micromechanical properties of the high-nitrogen austenitic steel deformed by shear under pressure // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 1. P. 52-64.

  75. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. A.S. Yurovskikh Osinceva A.L. Effect of the Conditions of the Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment Process on the Structural and Phase States and the Strengthening of Metastable Austenite Steel // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 12. P. 1225-1235.

  76. Makarov A.V. Yakovleva S.P. Volkova E.G. Makharova S.N. Mordovskoy P.G. Special Features of the Formation of the Microstructure of the 09G2S Steel under Conditions of Cold and Warm Equal-Channel Angular Pressing [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6. P. 39-47.

  77. Makarov A.V. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Lyzhin  V.V. Korshunov L.G. Improving the Thermal Stability and Heat Wear Resistance of Carburized Chromium-Nickel Steel by Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 5. P. 49-66.

  78. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. The Behavior of Gas Powder Laser Clad NiCrBSi Coatings under Contact Loading // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2016. Vol. 23. – Is. 3. P. 1068-1075.

  79. Gorkunov E.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Zadvorkin S.M. Makarov A.V. Pecherkina N.L. Kalinin G.Yu. Mushnikova S.Yu. Fomina O.V. Investigation of the Structure and Properties of the Material of Various Zones of the Welded Joint of the Austenitic Nitrogen-Containing Steel upon Elastoplastic Deformation // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 11. P. 1153-1163.

  80. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Skorynina P.A. Kogan L.Kh. Yurovskikh A.S. Osinceva A.L. Eddy-Current Control of the Phase Composition and Hardness of Metastable Austenitic Steel after Different Modes of Nanostructuring Attrition Treatment // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016. V. 52. – No. 11. P. 627-637.

  81. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Pecherkina N.L. Rogovaya S.A. Osinceva A.L. Kalinin G.Yu. Mushnikova S.Yu. The Effect of Temperature on the Mechanical Characteristics of the Nitrogen-Containing 04Kh20N6G11M2AFB Steel under Static Tension // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 030026. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967047.

  82. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Savrai R.A. Wear Resistance of a Laser-Clad NiCrBSi Coating Hardened by Frictional Finishing // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 030028. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967049.

  83. Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. The formation of NiCrBSi coatings with increased wear resistance by gas powder laser cladding // Abstracts of International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, Tomsk, Russia, 21-26 September,. Tomsk: Publishing House of IAO SB RAS, 2015. 336 p.

  84. Gorkunov E.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Zadvorkin S.M. Makarov A.V. Pecherkina N.L. Kalinin G.Yu. Mushnikova S.Yu. Fomina O.V. Behavior of Magnetic Characteristics in Promising Nitrogen-Containing Steels upon Elastoplastic Deformation // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2015. Vol. 116. Is. 8. P. 838-849.

  85. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. Formation of wear-resistant chromium-nickel coating with extra high thermal stability by combined laser-and-heat treatment // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2015. V. 57. No. 3-4. P. 161-168.

  86. Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Gorkunov E.S. Yurovkikh A.S. Malyigina I.Yu. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Structure, Mechanical Characteristics, and Deformation and Fracture Features of Quenched Structural Steel under Static and Cyclic Loading after Combined Strain-Heat Nanostructuring Treatment // Physical Mesomechanics. 2015. Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 43-57.

  87. Gorkunov E.S. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Zadvorkin S.M. Magnetic techniques for estimating elastic and plastic strains in steels under cyclic loading [Электронный ресурс] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 2. P. 6-15.

  88. Makarov A.V. Mitropolskaya S.Yu. Maltseva L.A. Levina A.V. Progress in ultra-deformable stainless steels for medical tool application [Электронный ресурс] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 2. P. 44-56. URL: http://dream-journal.org/DREAM_Issue_2_2015_Maltseva_L.A._et_al._44_56.pdf.

  89. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. The Tribological Performances of a NiCrBSi – TiC Laser-Clad Composite Coating under Abrasion and Sliding Friction [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 3. P. 83-97. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-3/2015-3_33.html.

  90. Gorkunov E.S. Taratorkin A.I. Makarov A.V. Magnetic techniques for estimating elastic and plastic strains in steels under cycliс loading // Chapter in book Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines / Eds. A.K. Belyaev, Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer: – , 2014, XVIII, 316 p. Springer, 2014. Chapter 15. P. 137-144.

  91. Makarov A.V. Korshunov L.G. Taratorkin A.I. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Chernenko N.L. Influence of Prolonged Heating on Thermal Softening, Chemical Composition, and Evolution of the Nanocrystalline Structure Formed in Quenched High-Carbon Steel upon Friction Treatment // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2014. V. 115. No. 3. P. 303-314.

  92. Kuznetsov V.P. Smolin I.Yu. Dmitriev A.I. Konovalov D.I. Makarov A.V. et al. Finite Element Simulation of Nanostructuring Burnishing // Physical Mesomechanics. 2013. Vol. 16. – № 1. P. 62-72.

  93. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Taratorkin A.I. Kogan L.Kh. Yurovskikh A.S. Kolobyilin Yu.M. Malyigina I.Yu. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. The Influence of a Combined Strain–Heat Treatment on the Features of Electromagnetic Testing of Fatigue Degradation of Quenched Constructional Steel // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2013. Vol. 49. – № 12. P. 690-704.

  94. Makarov A.V. Pozdejeva N.A. Taratorkin A.I. et al. Improvement of wear resistance of quenched structural steel by nanostructuring frictional treatment // Journal of Friction and Wear. 2012. Vol. 33. – Issue: 6. P. 433-442.

  95. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Taratorkin A.I. et al. Magnetic and eddy-current testing of hardened constructional steel subjected to combined strain-thermal treatment // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Vol. 48. – Issue: 12. P. 673-685.

  96. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Taratorkin A.I. et al. The peculiarities of magnetic and eddy-current testing of quenched structural steel hardened by nanostructuring frictional treatment // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Vol. 48. – Issue: 11. P. 615-622.

  97. Makarov A.V. Schastlivtsev V.M. Tabatchikova T.I. Osinceva A.L. Yakovleva I.L. Egorova L.Yu. Effect of silicon on the wear resistance of high-carbon steels with the structures of isothermal decomposition of austenite during friction and abrasive action // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2011. No. 4. P. 296–302.

  98. Busko V.N. Vengrinovich V.L. Dovgyallo A.G. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Malyigina I.Yu. To the problem of non destructive diagnostics of steеl surface layers nano-structured by attrition // Abstr. International Conference ”Optical Techniques and Nano-Tools for Material and Life Sciences ”, Minsk, Belarus, June 15-19, 2010. Minsk, Belarus, 2010. P.1.

  99. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Malyigina I.Yu. Kogan L.Kh. Savrai R.A. Eddy current testing of quality of chrome-nickel produced during gas-powder laser cladding and subsequent stabilizing annealing // Abstracts of 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Moscow, June 7-11, 2010. Part 1. 2nd edition. –. M.: Publishing house Spektr, 2010. 108 p.

  100. Gorkunov E.S. Makarov A.V. Zadvorkin S.M. Rashev Ts. Osinceva A.L. Mitropolskaya S.Yu. Savrai R.A. Solov’ev K.E. Testing of phase composition, hardness and wear resistance of high-cromium steels with nitrogen and carbon content by electromagnetic methods // Abstracts of 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Moscow, June 7-11, 2010. Part 2. 2nd edition. –. M.: Publishing house Spektr, 2010. P. 266-267.

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