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2002 и ранее

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  1. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Kruchkov D.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Vichuzhanin D.I. Studying the Plastic Deformation of Cu-Ti-C-B Composites in a Favorable Stress State // Materials. 2023. Vol. 16. 3204. [10.3390/ma16083204].

  2. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Structure and micromechanical properties of SHS composites with a copper matrix: peculiarities of formation // Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2023. № 4. P. 99 - 108. [10.18323/2782-4039-2023-4-66-9].

  3. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Micromechanical Properties and Transverse Rupture Strength of Cu-Ti-C-B Composite // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2023. V. 50. P. 251-256. [10.1016/j.prostr.2023.10.048].

  4. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Goruleva L.S. Thermophysical Properties of a Cu–Ti–C–B Shs Composite // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2023. Iss. 3. P. 50-65. [10.17804/2410-9908.2023.3.050-065].
    VAC list 

  5. Kruchkov D.I. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Deformation of Al–zn–mg–cu Composite Samples under Nonstationary Thermomechanical Conditions // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2023. Iss. 6. P. 8-25. [10.17804/2410-9908.2023.6.008-025].

  6. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Kamantsev I.S. Studying the possibility of plastic deformation of the Ni-Fe-Cr-Ti-B-C composite // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2023. Iss. 5. P. 15–30. [10.17804/2410-9908.2023.5.015-030].

  7. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. The Structure and Fracture Pattern of a Сu–Ti–Al–Ni–Fe–C–B Composite after Abrasive Wear // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2022. Vol. 123. No. 10.. P. 963–970. [10.1134/S0031918X22600920].

  8. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Zadvorkin S.M. Michurov N.S. EBSD Analysis of an Austenitic Cr–Ni Steel Laser Weld // Physics of Metals and Metallography // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2022. Vol. 123. No. 8. P. 791–796. [10.1134/S0031918X22080087].

  9. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Orishich A.M. Volkova E.G. Makarov A.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Malikov A.G. Role of Ultra-Fine Intermetallic Particles and Martensite in Strengthening of AISI 321/Cu/Ti Laser Welded Joint // Materials Characterization. 2022. Vol. 185. P.111702. [10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111702].

  10. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Numerical simulation of elastic-plastic deformation of AISI 321/Cu/Ti laser welded joint under tension and compression // Materials Characterization. 2022. Vol. 189. P. 111984. [10.1016/j.matchar.2022.111984].

  11. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Nikolin Yu.V. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Structure and Properties of a SHS Cu–Ti–C–B Composite // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2022. Vol. 123. No. 1. P. 43-49. [10.1134/S0031918X22010100].

  12. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Micromechanical Properties and Character of Fracture after Cross-Bending of the SHS Composite by the Fe-Ni-Ti-C-B System // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2022. Vol. 40. P. 372-377. [10.1016/j.prostr.2022.04.050].

  13. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Polyakov P.A. The effect of boron on the protective properties of aluminide coatings // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2022. Iss. 6. P. 25–34. [10.17804/2410-9908.2022.6.025-034].

  14. Nikolin Yu.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Mezin F.I. Studying the adhesion strength of plasma powder metal coatings on the surface of graphite // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2022. Iss. 5. P. 23–39. [10.17804/2410-9908.2022.5.023-039].

  15. Kruchkov D.I. Smirnov S.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Influence of All-Round Forging under Short-Term Creep Conditions on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Al7075/10SiCp Composite with an Aluminum Matrix // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2021. Vol. 122. No. 10. P. 981-990. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X21100069.
    WoS  Scopus 

  16. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Kruchkov D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Smirnov S.V. Shveikin V.P. Studying the Short-Term High-Temperature Creep in the Al–6Zn–2.5Mg–2Cu/10SiCp Aluminum Matrix Composite // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2021. Vol. 122. No. 8. P. 782-788. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X21080111.
    WoS  Scopus 

  17. Guzanov B.N. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Slukin E.Yu. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Technology of Obtaining Composite Conglomerate Powders for Plasma Spraying of High-Temperature Protective Coatings // Obrabotka Metallov - Metal Working and Material Science. 2021. Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 6-20. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2021-23.1-6-20.

  18. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Nikolin Y. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Influence of the chemical composition of the matrix on the structure and properties of monolithic SHS composites // Obrabotka Metallov - Metal Working and Material Science. 2021. Vol. 23. No. 3. P. 124-138. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2021-23.3-124-138.

  19. Guzanov B.N. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Erosion Resistance of a Combined Multilayer Coating Protecting Critical Parts of Modern Gas Turbine Engines [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2021. Iss. 2. P. 6-21. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2021.2.006-021.

  20. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Guzanov B.N. Studying the chemical and phase compositions of a chromium-nickel-manganese steel after operation at elevated temperatures in corrosive environments // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2021. Iss. 3. P. 17–30. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2021.3.017-030.

  21. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Effect of the Laser Welding Conditions on the Chemical Composition of the AISI 321/Cu/Ti Material // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2315. 030015. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0036864.

  22. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Babaylov N.A. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Loginov Yu.N. The Structure, Phase Composition and Micromechanical Properties of Briquetted Aluminum // Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 82-94. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2020-22.3-82-94.

  23. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Orishich A.M. Cherepanov A.N. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Trushina E.B. Trushina. Study of the Chemical Composition and Microstructure of AISI 321/Cu/Ta/Ti Welded Joint // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2020. Vol. 121. No. 11. P. 1112-1118. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X20110083.

  24. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Zamaraev L.M. The Effect of Atmosphere Composition on the Mechanism of Destruction of a Boride Coating on the Surface of a Die Steel during Thermal Cycling // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2020. Vol. 121. No. 6. P. 590-596. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X20060113.

  25. Anakhov S.V. Guzanov B.N. Matushkin A.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Pykin Yu.A. Influence of Plasma Torch Design on Cutting Quality during Precision Air-Plasma Cutting of Metal // Steel in Translation. 2020. Vol. 50. No. 3. P. 159–165. DOI: 10.3103/S096709122003002X.

  26. Anakhov  S.V. Guzanov  B.N. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Matyshkin A.V. The Influence of the Constructive Features of the Plasmotron on the Quality of the Cut During Air-Plasma Cutting of Sheet Metals [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2020. Iss. 5. P. 58-69. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.5.058-069.

  27. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. A Study of Boriding Methods, An Analysis of the Structure and Properties of the Obtained Coatings [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. Iss. 2, 2020. P. 38-60. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.2.038-060.

  28. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Nikolin Yu.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Malyigina I.Yu. Structure of Fe-Ni-Ti-C-B SHS Copmposites // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019. Vol. 120. No. 11. P. 1078-1084. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X19110139.
    WoS  Scopus 

  29. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Goruleva L.S. Makarov A.V. Volkova E.G. Microstructure of a Laser-Welded Joint between a Chromium – Nickel Steel and a Titanium Alloy with a Copper Insert // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019. Vol. 120. No. 8. P. 775-781. DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X1908012X.
    WoS  Scopus 

  30. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Guzanov B.N. Obabkov N.V. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Michurov N.S. Studying the Structure and Adhesion Strength of Thermal Barrier Coating // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2176. 030013. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5135137.

  31. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. NikolinYu.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. The Structure and Wear Resistance of a Ti-Ni-Fe-C-B Composite // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2176. 020007. – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5135119.

  32. Anakhov S.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Guzanov B.N. Matushkin A.V. Pykin Yu.A. Substantiation of the Narrow-Jet Plasma Technology for Finishing Cutting of Steel sheets // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. Vol. 681. 012004. – DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/681/1/012004.

  33. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. EBSD analysis of the structure of a weld joining a chromium-nickel steel sheet and a titanium alloy sheet through a copper insert // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. Vol. 681. 012034. – DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/681/1/012034.

  34. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Makarov A.V. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Volkova E.G. Crystallization of Dissimilar Ti/Cu/ Steel Laser Welds // Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019. Vol. 526. Art. 125212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125212.

  35. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Michurov N.S. The laser-welded joint of an austenitic corrosion-resistant steel and a titanium alloy with an intermediate copper insert // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 42-47. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-1-42-47.
    WoS  Scopus 

  36. Michurov N.S. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Igumnov A.S. Contribution of Intermetallics to the Formation of the Stress-Strain State of Tensile Welds on the AISI 321 Steel and the Grade 2 Titanium Alloy with a Copper Insert // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040058. – https://doi.org/10.1063.

  37. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Nikolin Yu.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Trushina E.B. Formation of the Structure of Fe-Ni-Ti-C-B Composites Under Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 020013. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084359.

  38. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Trushina E.B. Malyigina I.Yu. Studying the Structure and Micromechanical Properties of a Hardfaced Wear-Resistant Coating // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040079. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084517.

  39. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Vichuzhanin D.I. Contribution of low-melting eutectics to the plastic deformation of aluminum matrix composites // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020247. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083490.

  40. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Trushina E.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. The Use of Intermediate Inserts for СО2 Laser Welding of Steel AISI 321 and a Grade 2 Titanium Alloy // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030055. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084416.

  41. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Trushina E.B. Studying the diffusion interaction between a copper plate and steel AISI 321 under laser treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020270. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083513.

  42. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Trushina E.B. Malyigina I.Yu. The Structural State and Properties of a Deposited Coating for An Internal Combustion Engine Valve [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2018. Iss. 5. P. 74-85. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.5.074-085.

  43. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Malyigina I.Yu. Michurov N.S. Pugacheva E.I. Antenorova N.P. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure and Phase Composition of Aliminum Matrix Composites Containing Silicon Carbide [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.6.028-036. 2017. Iss. 6. P. 28-36.

  44. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Michurov N.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Cheremicina E.R. Effect of the Content of SiC on the Structure and Properties of D16 alloy matrix composites // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030021.
    Full text>>

  45. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. E.V. Derevyankin EBSD Analysis of the Structural State of the Cu-Zn-Mn-Al-Fe-Ni Alloy after Hot Deformation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030020.
    Full text>>

  46. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Michurov N.S. Smirnov A.S. Effect of Hot Plastic Deformation on the Structural State of a Al-10%SiC Composite // AIP Conf. Proc. – 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030022.
    Full text>>

  47. Michurov N.S. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. The Structural State and Geometric Representation of a Laser-Welded Joint between a Corrosion-Resistant Steel and a Titanium Alloy with a Copper Insert . –https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5013818 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. Vol. 1909. – 020137.

  48. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. A.N. Cherepanov A.M. Orishich A.G. Malikov I.O. Drozdov V.I. Mali Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Investigation of the Structure and Properties of a Composite Insert Applied at Laser Welding of Steel with Titanium // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. Vol. 1893. – 030107.
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  49. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Michurov N.S. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Pugacheva E.I. Aluminium Matrix Composites with a SiC Filler . – https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5013861 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. Vol. 1909. – 020180.

  50. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Trushina E.B. A.V. Gerasimova Agapitova O.Yu. Antenorova. Reasons for Cracking of Die-Forged Cuzn34mn3al2feni Brass Blanks [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.4.061-080 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 4. P. 61-80.

  51. S.V. Anakhov Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Yu.A. Pykin A.V. Matushkin Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Qualitative Study of Steel Cutting with the Use of the Narrow Jet Plasma Technology // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017. Vol. 8. – No. 3. P. 400-405.

  52. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Smirnov A.S. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Konovalov A.V. A fracture locus for a 50 volume-percent Al/SiC metal matrix composite at high temperature // International Journal of Material Forming. 2017. Vol. 10. – Iss. 5. P. 831–843.
    Full text>>

  53. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical of plastic deformation and fracture of complexly aiioyed brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. vol. 25, № 2. P. 251 – 265.

  54. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Zamaraev L.M. Igumnov А.S. Modeling the Thermo-Stressed State in the Nodes of the Honeycomb Structure with a Non-Uniform Distribution of Physical-Mechanical Properties [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4.. P. 71-88.

  55. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical Simulation of Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Complexly Alloyed Brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 25(2). P. 251-265.

  56. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Structure and Properties of the Al/SiC Composite Material // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 6. P. 634-640.

  57. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Structure and Thermophysical Properties of Aluminum-Matrix Composites // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 11. P. 1145-1152.

  58. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Myasnikova M.V. Michurov N.S. Simulation of the Elastic Deformation of Laser-Welded Joints of an Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel and a Titanium Alloy with an Intermediate Copper Insert // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 2. P. 216-224.

  59. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Kalashnikov S.T. Ivanov A.V. Smirnov S.V. Frolova N.Yu. Studying Recovery Processes in a Strain-Hardened Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Si Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 9. P. 920-926.

  60. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Michurov N.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. INVESTIGATION OF LOCAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS IN WELDED JOINTS OF THE VT1-0 TITANIUM ALLOY AND THE 12CR18NI10TI AUSTENITIC CORROSION RESISTANT STEEL WITH AN INTERMEDIATE COPPER INSERT WITH THE USE OF A NANOMECHANICAL TESTING SYSTEM. DOI: 10.1063/1.4967107 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016. Vol. 1785. С. 040050.

  61. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Effect of the Al/SiC Composite Structure on the Pattern of Corrosion Damage // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040049. –http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967106.

  62. Smirnov S.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Studying the Zones of a Welded Joint of an Al-Mg-Li-Zr Aluminum Alloy By Kinetic Indentation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040064. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967121.

  63. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Trushina E.B. Antenorova N.P. Pugacheva E.I. Comparative Studies of the Character of Destruction in 38Kh2N2MA and 12Kh2N4A Steel Gearwheel Teeth Operated under Extreme Conditions // Journal of Friction and Wear. 2015. Vol. 36. No. 3. P. 229-236.

  64. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Antenorova N.P. Pugacheva E.I. Study of the Structure and Properties of Laser-Welded Joints of the Al-Mg-Li Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2015. Vol. 116. Is. 8. P. 1259-1269.

  65. Cherepanov A.N. Orishich A.M. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Shapeev V.P. Investigation of the Structure and Properties of Titanium-Stainless Steel Permanent Joints Obtained by Laser Welding with the Use of Intermediate Inserts and Nanopowders // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 2015. Vol. 22. Is. 2. P. 135-142.

  66. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Current Trends in the Development of Heat-Resistant Coatings Based on Iron, Nickel and Cobalt Aluminides [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 3. P. 51-82. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-3/2015-3_30.html.

  67. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Smirnov S.V. Kalashnikov S.T. Chekushkin V.S. Antenorova N.P. Pankratov A.A. Studying the Changes in the Structure and Properties of a Magnesium Alloy after Operation and Long Annealing at Temperatures of 50 and 70 °С [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 4. P. 27-39. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-4/2015-4_38.html.

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